Skåne Food Innovation Network

Skåne Food Innovation Network (SFIN) is a non-profit association for the food sector. Our partners are businesses and organizations from the food sector and value chain, academia and public organizations. In our work we focus on how our region Skåne can be a leader in the national and international development of future food, beverages and meals.

Based on the food industry and in a strong cooperation with other clusters, we contribute to the regional development through our work with regional, national and global issues such as sustainability, innovation and health. Thereby, we create an innovative, competitive and long term sustainable food industry. 

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to start and facilitate collaboration between the triple helix structure, e.g. businesses, academia and public organizations, to develop future food, beverages and meals that will benefit society.

We take on challenges, and work with large and complex issues that no individual stakeholder can manage on their own. In doing so, we create unique collaborations and make way for new companies, business models and entrepreneurs. In doing so, we create success for others and provide unique opportunities within the food sector.  

We are funded by our partners, Region Skåne and financiers in our different projects. And we aim to be the best platform for stakeholders who want to collaborate and innovate together.

Our model is to discover, test and disseminate

Through foresight seminars, trend spotting and contact with our partners and networks, we map the current and future challenges and new opportunities for the development of the food industry.
By initiating and implementing sharp projects for innovation pilots in collaboration with partners in the cluster, we test new solutions and dare to take risks that an individual actor itself can not take.
A successful pilot results in a model that we then spread to achieve systemic changes.

Our focus areas

Health through food and beverages: Based on the premise that healthy and nutritious food must be tasty and accessible to everyone, we create the conditions for using food as a force for change for better health. on the challenges of good, accessible and nutritious food for all, we create the conditions for food and drink to contribute to a healthier life.
Attracting talent to the food sector: In order for Swedish food companies to be able to grow and produce food and beverages with high demands on sustainable production and quality, many more people must choose a profession in the food industry. The food sector could and should be a natual choice and extremely popular with those who want to work with sustainable development and make a real difference.
Sustainable & circular food system: Creating tomorrow’s food system where resources are utilised in every part of the value chain is a challenge that requires collaboration across all borders.
Resilience and secure food system: Sweden’s food system and food supply must be strengthened. It is about increasing our own capacity to produce food and beverages, but also about creating a sustainable food chain with access to necessary resources under any condition. Now is the time to prepare for the future.

Contact us

We have our roots in Skåne, Sweden, but we work both nationally and internationally within all of our focus areas.

If you want to know more about Skåne Food Innovation Network (in Swedish we are called ’Livsmedelsakademin’ ) and our international work, please contact us!

Silver Label of Cluster Management Excellence